My List Of Recommended Books

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For all the business people I’ve compiled a list of books that I recommend reading. This is my secret list of recommended books. Each and everyone of these books have taught me valuable lessons, either in life or in business.

Business & Entrepreneurship Books

The Holy Bible - English Standard Version

The Holy Bible by various authors

Most people don’t know that the Bible is actually a great business book. Who better to ask advice than the One who created businesses in the first place. A friend of a friend of mine was once asked what his best business book was. He answered that he had only read the Bible, and he was very successful. The Holy Bible contains a lot of life & business lessons, even for non-Christians. This is a must read for every human on earth, even if you’re not a Christian. My recommendation is to start with Proverbs, which is written by probably the richest man ever lived.

Faith Driven Entrepreneur cover

Faith Driven Entrepreneur by Henry Kaestner

One of the most holistic books I ever read about Entrepreneurship is this book. It’s full of wisdom for entrepreneurs who not only are in the business of making money, but also want to make an impact in the world. This book is an absolute must for those whose mission is greater than themselves.

The Millionaire Fastlane cover

The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco

My all time favorite is by far The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco. The title may be a bit sleazy, but don’t be afraid. It isn’t all about lambos and how to get rich quick. It’s a complete blueprint of how to start your life as an entrepreneur. The book focuses a lot on the main vehicle of starting a business: you. Expect to get some golden nuggets when it comes to entrepreneurship.

How To Get Rich cover

How To Get Rich by Felix Dennis

If there is only one thing you would learn from this book it is this: ownership is the ONLY important thing in business. This book contains a lot of golden nuggets when it comes to business and ownership of a business. It is almost a complete auto-biography of the highly successful entrepreneur Felix Dennis. He shares his own experience of building a multi million dollar empire.

Rich Dad Poor Dad cover

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

No business book list is complete without Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. However similar to the previous two books, it basically teaches you the difference between how rich people think vs how poor people think. An example is how rich vs poor people think about assets. Rich people see income generating entities as assets. Poor people view their own house as an asset. Who do you think is right?

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator cover

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Edwin Lefèvre

The business of stock trading and operating is as old as more than 400 years. However the principles back then are still the same today. If there’s something that never changes, it’s the behaviour of people. Edwin Lefèvre does a great job describing how the stock markets really works. He’s considered a legend, and many people consider his writings to be one of the best on trading and investing. This is a true classic.

Expert Secrets

Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson

Whenever you are thinking about becoming an expert at something, and sharing it with an audience, then you definitely must read this book. Expert Secrets teaches you how to build an audience and cash in on your expertise. What I love about this book is that the author shows that no one has to be a top expert in order to build an audience. Just being slightly better than the person you’re about to teach something is already enough. It is also very useful for every business that wants to expand their reach online.

Personal Development Books

The Magic of Thinking Big

The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz

Thinking big requires just as much effort as thinking small. In this yet another true classic you will learn to understand why it is always better to think big. People that think big live happier lives, have less competition and have bigger bank accounts. The foundation of your success is the way you’re thinking, and it’s always better to think big.

The Go-Giver cover

The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann

Are you a true go-getter? If you strive for success then you probably are. I was a true go-getter. However with this book I learned that it’s better to be a go-giver. A go-giver is someone who gives abundantly and freely, because that’s just who that person is. This book teaches that by giving miraculous things start to happen in our lives. This is another true classic.

No More Mr. Nice Guy

No More Mr. Nice Guy by Robert A. Glover

In the time I picked up this book, I was having a hard time understanding why my relationships always failed. This book was the answer. In No More Mr. Nice Guy I learned what a nice guy is, and how to take steps to slowly change my way of approaching relationships. End result is me getting married with my lovely wife Venny.